This path of the study plan (curriculum) aims at forming experts in those methodologies which are related to the construction and exploitation of official statistics: data quality, multivariate statistical techniques and advanced statistical modelling for constructions of composite indicators, statistical evaluation of policy making, big data for official statistics, integrated geo-spatial data modelling. In this path there is a mandatory 9-credit internship hosted at national and international official statistics institutions like NSIs (National Statistical Institutes) and International organizations. The internship contributes to provide a suitable mix of skills and knowledge. If you want to discover examples of opportunities offered by the 9-credit internship you can consult the Official Statistics internships overview page. The master thesis project is expected to address issues related to planning, developing or implementing official statistics.
The student completing this path will be compliant with the European Master in Official Statistics (EMOS) label, an initiative launched by Eurostat and the European Statistical System (ESS) in 2014 to connect producers of official statistics and academia at European level.
A short presentation of the OS track (curriculum) delivered bt the OS coordinator (prof. Roberta Varriale) during the 2024/2025 welcome meeting is available here.
You can find further information on the European Mobility for EMOS students here.