Double or joint degree programmes are organised by Sapienza University with one or more other foreign universities. The degree programme allows participating students to complete part of their university career abroad and obtain a degree that is recognised in two countries. This is an ideal programme for anyone strongly interested in working in an international context.

Since 2008 the former Faculty of Statistical Sciences has signed international agreements for the delivery of double degrees. Currently the Department of Statistical Sciences within its international Master degree in Statistical Methods and Applications has three active double-degree exchange programs:

Learn more

If you are a student of the Statistical Methods and Applications M.Sc. program or a B.Sc. student who is interested in joining the Statistical Methods and Applications M.Sc. program next year and you want to learn more about the opportunities and content of the double-degree programs you can manifest your interest and learn more by booking a seat for our forthcoming SMA Double Degree meeting


Only a limited number of students will be admitted to the double-degree tracks on a merit basis. This is established by means of the grades and the number of credits earned during the first 3 exam sessions (fall: january-february; summer: june-july; late summer: september) of the first year of the M.Sc. program. An overall average grade of 27 or more is required. The following additional pre-requisites are specific to each track: 

  • Paris Dauphine: Data Analyst - MASH:

- pass the Bayesian Modelling exam (9 ECTS) with grade 28 or more;
- earn a least 60 ECTS from SAPIENZA courses recognized by DAUPHINE, see first column of the ANNEX 1

  • ENSAI (Rennes): Data Analyst - Statistics for Smart Data:

earn at least 60 ECTS from SAPIENZA EMOS courses recognized by ENSAI, see first column of the ANNEX.

  • ENSAI (Rennes): Official Statistics - Methods for Official Statistics (under the EMOS label initiative of Eurostat)  (OS-EMOS - Master Evaluation et Décision Publiques-EMOS):

- earn at least 60 ECTS from SAPIENZA EMOS courses recognized by ENSAI, see first column of the ANNEX.

  • ENSAI (Rennes): Quantitative Economics - Master Mathématiques Appliquées, Statistique, parcours Science des données pour la decision publique (Statistical Studies track)

- earn at least 60 ECTS from SAPIENZA Quantitative Economics courses recognized by ENSAI, see first column of the ANNEX.

Fora academic year 2024/2025 click here to express your intention to submit your application.  Deadline December 1st, 2024.