The Study Plan represents the selection of all the teaching modules (exams and/or AAF) a student wants to attend during the Master programme. It has to be submitted and approved. After the approval, you are ready for booking exams. It is usually submitted by December, i.e. before the first exam session in January. 

Important information on the Study plan

The study plan cannot be created until a student is officially enrolled/matriculated  to the programme (paid tuition fees).

  • A student cannot take any exam until a study plan has been submitted and approved (nevertheless, lessons can be attended).
  • The study plan must contain selected modules for both academic years according to the tables available here
  • The total number of credits must be 120. Beware that the credits do not have to be equally distributed (e.g. 30 ECTS per semester), but only the total of 120 ECTS for two years.
  • It can be submitted multiple times and at any time. However it is recommended to submit it only once a year
  • If you plan to participate to the Erasmus+ call for an exchange period abroad, pay attention to the selected modules from the study plan, which should be possibly similar to the ones you plan to take during the Erasmus period.


How to submit a study plan

  • First submission: submit the study plan via INFOSTUD. After approval you will be able to sign up for exams.
  • Further submissions: if you have some extraordinary reason to change your approved study plan during the same academic year, write an email to with subject: CHANGE STUDY PLAN. The approved study plan will be possibly deleted and you will be able to submit a new one via INFOSTUD.


Reference contacts for the Study Plan.

Questions on study plans can be addressed to

• Prof. Maria Brigida Ferraro [DA curriculum]:

• Prof. Roberta Varriale [OS curriculum]:

• Prof. Bernardo Maggi [QE curriculum]: